The modules

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The Divine Human Level 2 training emphasizes making new experiences and considering experiences already made in the light of the theory that underlies them. This way, the theory can be naturally integrated into your daily life and you will have a profound effect from the week we spend together.

Vitality & Stress

Stress ist definitiv ein Thema, auch für Yogi*nis und spirituelle Lehrer*innen. Wir sind gestresst wegen des Tempos des Lebens, wegen der Anforderungen, mit dem ständigen Wandel Schritt zu halten, wegen der Technologie, wegen der „Alles-ist-sofort“-Haltung, die uns dazu bringt, uns als Versager*innen zu fühlen, wenn wir nicht sofort mit der perfekten Antwort reagieren.

Wir wissen, dass Kundalini Yoga das Nervensystem und die Drüsen stärkt. Füllen wir also unseren Werkzeugkasten mit Wissen, das uns helfen wird, uns selbst auszubalancieren, anstatt zu explodieren.

Wir untersuchen den Zusammenhang zwischen Stress, Gesundheit, Ernährung, Gewohnheiten, Entspannung, Yoga und Meditation. Du wirst die Möglichkeit haben, dich genau anzusehen, wie du mit Stress umgehst und deine Vitalität steuern und beherrschen kannst.

Conscious Communication

This module takes you through the different levels of thoughts and feelings in all aspects of communication.

We are sending out messages all the time and they are often mixed confused and misunderstood. Wy do we want one thing and get the opposite? Why are things so complicated when all we want is an easy life? Unfortunately, we are not clear about ourselves, so how can the infinite deliver? The voice of our head is not necessarily in tune with the voice of our heart or our soul so yes, its complicated. 

Through play, verbal exercises and other powerful working methods, we will discover how we communicate and how we can improve this.

Authentic Relationships

In preparation for this week you follow a special diet and do a meditation. Together they prepare you for a greater understanding of who we are beyond our emotional filters. We go through a special process of releasing grief, sadness and anger. There is a day on which the men and women work separately, followed by a day of integration and healing.

Mind & Meditation

This module is a special week full of surprises. We dive deeper into the complexity of the mind. During the week we follow a special diet that supports the process; we eat as sattvic as possible so that with the help of it we can create a deeper meditative experience. Meditations form the basis for this week, which many experience as so pleasant that they would like to come back again.

Lifestyles & Lifecycles

To prepare for this module, first create your own biography. This helps you see where you come from so you can understand who you are and what your potential is. During this week you will also gain a deeper experience with the principle of prosperity through different working methods and tasty, beautifully presented meals.

Bonus Module – Spiritual Warrior

The Level 2 process ends with an extra module. This is not mandatory for your Level 2 certificate, but it does follow the course material as indicated by KRI. In this module you will understand more about your purpose in life by preparing for death. We leave the illusion of this world behind and celebrate a new beginning.